patut la melayu tak maju, kalau semua orang macam hang especially.. narrow-minded la hang ni.. haha.. lain kali nak kutuk pun moderate la cik abang/akak/adik oi.. kalau nak kutuk design takpa la.. sentimental gila hang ni..
true, memang tak boleh maju org yg cakap mcm tu..tak munasabah langsung, design budak mat salleh, meaning LUPA DIRI KA?? sangat tak berasas.sekolah sampai std 1 saje ke? kids are better than u la for crying out loud. dia punya pasal la nak design apa. kau jealoused ke? lagipun, siapa nak jadi melayu kalau melayu tu suka MENGUTUK,MEMFITNAH,DENGKI DAN LAIN2.. please la, jangan tuduh-menuduh, kenal pun tak. jaga diri sendiri dulu la..
lol! some people just doesn't know how to be reasonable and smarter in their justifications. maybe anonymous just went through a rough time with his or her identity conflict?
but i think he or she does have a point too, perhaps we can bring the malay identity to the global arena by simple steps like using a traditional malay name instead? afterall shafiq, u have the creative talent, westerners should value that. you can probably make a difference then. just a comment. hope it doesn't offend you. =D
Jamie ker?lol.
eh ur daughter putih putih like mat salleh's daughter oni.
haha this is the adopted one.. the name's mandy.. lol
dah melayu buat style melayu la... mat saleh konon.. melayu lupa diri
patut la melayu tak maju, kalau semua orang macam hang especially.. narrow-minded la hang ni.. haha.. lain kali nak kutuk pun moderate la cik abang/akak/adik oi.. kalau nak kutuk design takpa la.. sentimental gila hang ni..
true, memang tak boleh maju org yg cakap mcm tu..tak munasabah langsung, design budak mat salleh, meaning LUPA DIRI KA?? sangat tak berasas.sekolah sampai std 1 saje ke? kids are better than u la for crying out loud. dia punya pasal la nak design apa. kau jealoused ke? lagipun, siapa nak jadi melayu kalau melayu tu suka MENGUTUK,MEMFITNAH,DENGKI DAN LAIN2..
please la, jangan tuduh-menuduh, kenal pun tak. jaga diri sendiri dulu la..
anonymous yang cakap tak berasas. ramai sangat org melayu macam anonymous nilah sebab melayu tak maju... layu.
tukaq mentaliti wei bangang mia anonymous! problem maker saja... bukan nak membantu bangsa sendiri.
kritik pun tak membina, tak berasas. bangang. hahaha. anonymous poyo.
Some people they are born stupid.. err.. am i being rude??
(this msg is specially dedicated to anonymous)
lol! some people just doesn't know how to be reasonable and smarter in their justifications. maybe anonymous just went through a rough time with his or her identity conflict?
but i think he or she does have a point too, perhaps we can bring the malay identity to the global arena by simple steps like using a traditional malay name instead? afterall shafiq, u have the creative talent, westerners should value that. you can probably make a difference then. just a comment. hope it doesn't offend you. =D
by the way, what's with the "whee!young and happy"?
sorry a newbie here, wondering what's the purpose of the ad.
are you branding for a product or company named "whee"?
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