Creative Media, Design, Photography and other related things.


Monday, November 12, 2007

Tech Pets

I love the Mighty Mouse. It certainly makes navigation a lot easier and work done faster. Practical to use especially when dealing with illustration design, because it has got horizontal and vertical scroll button! Since I like it a lot, here's another way of showing how close I am to my Mighty Mouse. It's just like my pet.

The idea is that, the Mighty Mouse moves the cursor using the IR beam and this little mousey in the graphic above looks like it moves as though the beam causes it float. And you've probably guessed the tail is the USB connection. But I hope I did not mislead you to thinking that the real Mighty Mouse would squeak when you squeeze it.


Anonymous said...

Ur pet looks like an old rat. HAHAHAHA I think it will look cuter if it has BIGGER eyes~~ u noe~

Shafiq said...

Yeah.. what can I say, rats/mice don't really have a long life-span ;)

bem69 said...

looks like a cat, and I agree with azureen, you could go for the cuter look. good concept nevertheless.

chrisshee said...

haha personally i'm impressed and inspired by this ad-work of yours. brilliant! =P